martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007
jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2007
Broma en Alemania
Divertido. A ver si se dan cuenta como lo hacen?
//Fun. How they do that?
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Etiquetas: Humor
Terrible animación en vivo y a pura sangre!! Fue realizada por un grupo de Koreanos y lo titularon "The Samsung Dance". Queda demostrado una vez mas que los orientales son superiores. Parece algo simple, un grupo de gente sosteniendo cuadros de colores, pero es mucho más que eso. Se necesita una coordinación increíble, imaginación y mas de 600 personas moviéndose alunizo no para realizar este baile. No hay mas que decir, es para ver una y otra vez. Disfruten!
//Amazing live animation ! It was made by a group of Korean´s and they titled "The Samsung Dance". It is demonstrated that once again the Orientals ones are superior. It seems something simple, a people group maintaining pictures of colors, but it is much more that that. It is needed an incredible coordination, imagination and but of 600 people moving I land on the moon does not stop to make this dance. It does not have much to say. Enjoy!
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007
Este tipo es un re limado, se llama Jeff Gagliardi y se lo conoce como uno de los originales y mejores artitstas del etch-a-sketch. Este aparato rarisimo que no se cual es su nombre en español. Si bien no tiene mucho de arte y de diseño, hay mucho laburo, bah, llegar a esto, y proclamarse artista, esta bien!
En ingles va derecho de como esta en el sitio.
//With almost 35 years experience in Etch-A-Sketch Art, Jeff Gagliardi is known as one of the original, and still one of the best, Etch-A-Sketch artists.
Believe it or not, Jeff never had an Etch-A-Sketch when he was a kid. The first time he seriously tried to draw anything on an Etch-A-Sketch was when he was a college student (at the School of Visual Arts in New York) and was playing with an Etch-A-Sketch that belonged to his nephew.
“I did a drawing of the Taj Mahal complete with reflecting pools. Quite frankly, I didn’t think it was a big deal, but my family wouldn’t let me erase it. From that point on it became apparent that I had some sort of gift for drawing on this silly little toy — people would walk past the serious work I was doing as a painter and want to see the Etch-A-Sketches”.
Link: http://www.etch-a-sketchartist.com/
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